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Covid affected the brain of babies in pregnancy | metropolises

Contamination of women by the coronavirus during pregnancy may have caused problems in the brain development of babies. So says a study published by researchers at the University of Miami, in the United States, this week.

The two cases were pointed out as evidence of transmission of the coronavirus through the placenta, with serious consequences for the development of children – the report is the first to prove the risks of contagion even during pregnancy.

None of the children tested positive for Sars-CoV-2, but both had high levels of antibodies against the pathogen. The coronavirus was found in the placenta of the two participants.

Although they are the exception, babies affected by Covid-19 have faced consequences for their brain development since they were born. Still on the first day of life, they experienced their first seizure; in the following months, they developed microencephaly.

Unfortunately, in the case of one of the babies who participated in the study, the problems were so serious that he died with only 13 months to live. The other child, although still alive, is periodically hospitalized due to his neurological conditions.

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Viruses for life

The baby who died underwent an autopsy that revealed the presence of the coronavirus in his brain even a year after his birth. The doctors who led the study pointed out that this presence, undetectable in regular exams, was the main cause of death for the child.

Although the situation is a rarity, the cases reported in the study were sufficient for researchers to recommend that women who had the disease during pregnancy alert their children’s pediatricians. Thus, doctors can observe possible delays in the development of the little ones.

the case of mothers

The mothers who participated in the study were contaminated by Covid-19 during the second trimester of pregnancy, still in the first waves of transmission, in 2020. One of them did not have a serious condition, but the other got so sick that the doctors thought it best to advance her delivery to the 32 weeks of gestation.

As it relates to patients who became ill before the vaccine was available, the study could not determine whether mothers who became infected after being immunized could face similar consequences.

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