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Covid: parents’ resistance to vaccinating their children grows by 56%

A survey carried out by the Barcelona Global Health Institute (ISGlobal) showed that parents’ doubts about vaccinating their children against Covid-19 increased by 56.3% between 2021 and 2022.

The research, published in Nature magazine last Monday (01/09), it analyzed data from 23 countries with more than 60% of the world’s population, including Brazil.

According to the results, the willingness of parents around the world to vaccinate their children against the virus increased in 2021, even when there was still no approval of immunizers for minors. In 2022, this provision increased from 67.6% to 69.5%.

In Brazil, it was the opposite. Parents’ resistance to taking their children for vaccinations increased from 8.7% in 2021 to 13.6% in 2022. The data help explain the low vaccination coverage against the Coronavirus in Brazilian children.

The research also showed that, despite the acceptance of the covid-19 vaccine in general having increased by 5.2% between the last two years, at least eight countries are against the trend. These include Brazil, Turkey, Mexico, Ghana, China, South Africa and the United Kingdom.

Child deaths in Brazil

Since the start of the pandemic, 3,562 children have died from Covid-19. In total, 57,388 cases were reported in children and adolescents aged up to 19 years. In 2022 alone, there were 850 deaths.

The information is from a technical note released by the Ministry of Health last Monday (09/01). The bulletin takes into account data up to the beginning of December 2022.

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The note clarifies and reinforces the importance of complete vaccination in children. Despite having a lower risk for the disease, they are not exempt from developing severe cases of the disease.

The post Covid: increases by 56% resistance of parents to vaccinate their children first appeared on Metropolis.

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