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Craft and industrial sector in transition: Vivien Schaible explains how digital solutions are revolutionizing recruiting

VS RecruitingFabrik GmbH

Oberreichenbach (ots)

Vivien Schaible is the founder and managing director of VS RecruitingFabrik GmbH. Together with her team, she supports small and medium-sized companies from industry and trade in recruiting qualified specialists from their region. She prefers digital solutions and innovative methods. Here you can find out how digital solutions are revolutionizing recruiting.

In times of a shortage of skilled workers, the German trade and industry sector faces major challenges. Qualified employees are desperately needed everywhere. The weakening economic situation has done little to change this. Due to demographic change, the problem is likely to get even worse in the future. As a result, more and more craft and industrial companies are recognizing the need to break new ground. They know that without change they will be at a competitive disadvantage. In order to find suitable specialists in today’s world, digital solutions are needed. In this context, the use of social media in particular has proven to be effective in winning the war for talent. “Nowadays, social recruiting is considered one of the most important recruiting measures, and with good reason,” says Vivien Schaible from RecruitingFabrik. “Nevertheless, most craft and industrial companies do not see the need to tackle the issue professionally.” Together with her team, the recruiting expert has set herself the task of helping small and medium-sized companies to find qualified specialists from their region. To do this, she uses the algorithms of social media. Vivien Schaible summarized below how digital solutions are revolutionizing recruiting.

Why craft and industrial companies can no longer avoid digital recruiting solutions

The job market is changing. In order to still be able to successfully recruit employees today, trade and industrial companies must first understand that it is no longer the skilled workers who apply to the company, but that it is up to them to convince these candidates. After all, qualified candidates now more than ever have the opportunity to choose their job freely. For companies, this means gaining visibility and thus attracting qualified specialists. With the conventional methods of finding employees, however, trade and industrial companies quickly reach their limits. Not only is there enormous wastage – only a small proportion of qualified specialists can be reached even via job portals. Instead, it is important to break new ground and address the candidates where the majority of them are today: on social media.

“We keep hearing the objection that there are no applicants on social media,” explains Vivien Schaible. “But that’s a mistake. After all, today almost nine out of ten Internet users, that is about 87 percent, are registered in social networks.” The age category between 14 and 29 years results in an amazing 98 percent of users – and among the 30 to 49 year olds there is a usage of 92 percent. This means that almost all specialists use social networks at least occasionally. If you compare these user numbers with those of a common job portal or the readers of a newspaper, it should be clear in which direction employee recruitment is developing today.

The benefits of social media recruiting

Through the use of social media, a large number of people can be reached. A fact that craft and industrial companies should take advantage of today. In addition, in contrast to common job portals or newspaper advertisements, it is primarily passive candidates that are addressed here. This means that specialists who are in permanent employment but would be willing to make a change if a suitable offer presents itself to them. And this is exactly what craft and industrial companies have to offer. However, it is no longer enough to just come up with occasional posts on Facebook, Instagram and Co. After all, you only reach the people who follow you anyway – so this approach does not generate new attention. Instead, it is important to play out professional campaigns that convince specialists with relevant content about their own company. “Specialists need to understand why it is worth applying to this employer,” explains Vivien Schaible. In this context, professional image and video material has proven to be particularly useful, which not only offers an authentic insight into everyday company life, but also openly communicates the advantages for employees.

Why trade and industrial companies should rely on the support of an expert

“Unfortunately, we keep coming across companies that invest large amounts – but the successes are a long time coming,” explains the expert. “But one thing is certain: Recruiting no longer has to be a game of chance if you know which channels to use and how.” For the companies themselves, however, this is proving to be an almost impossible task. After all, not only do they have to acquire the necessary know-how, they also have to continuously monitor and optimize the published content in order to achieve actual results. For this reason, it is advisable to have an experienced expert such as the RecruitingFabrik team at your side. They have the necessary knowledge and experience to set up targeted campaigns, present the companies as attractive employers and thus convince qualified specialists to apply.

In this way, craft and industrial companies finally get a good selection of qualified applicants again and can fill their vacancies within a few weeks.

Would you like to be able to plan and continuously find suitable employees for your company and be supported by an experienced expert? Sign up now vivien schaible and arrange a non-binding initial consultation!

Press contact:

VS RecruitingFabrik GmbH
Represented by: Vivien Schaible

Press contact:
Ruben Schaefer

Original content from: VS RecruitingFabrik GmbH, transmitted by news aktuell

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