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Creatine: consumption in women and how it can improve their sports performance

Creatine: consumption in women and how it can improve their sports performance

Content this compound determines the effectiveness of most reactions and physiological processesincluding muscle activity.

According to the ‘Olimp Sport’ portal, when muscle have accumulated phosphocreatine in their tissues, ATP synthesis is easier and good levels of phosphocreatine can be obtained by taking supplements that contain creatine.

Therefore, it is considered that this it would be a good supplement for women who train regularlywith the daily consumption of three grams of creatine.

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Some trainers recommend taking creatine not just on the day of training, but every day, however, It is required that it be of good quality, since there are many options on the market.

There is no evidence to show that creatine has side effects when consumed, however, it has been proven that In the case of women, it does not affect the menstrual cycle in any way or have other health risks.

However, whenever you are going to start with a new substance, consult your doctor or an expert on the matter.

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