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Creel calls not to fall into extremes of quotas and raffles to choose INE advisers

Despite acknowledging that it is completely legal for the departments of the National Electoral Institute (INE) to be designated by means of a raffle containing the names of the twenty best applicants, the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Santiago Creel said that politics is not to be decided in raffles.

The deputy president stated that the selection committee does have autonomy and the Chamber is responsible for accepting itHowever, for avoid falling into the excesses that would be appointing INE directors by quotas or drawsemphasized that an agreement can be reached through a dialogue between the Chamber of Deputies and the Electoral Tribunal.

A dialogue between the chamber and the court could be positive. By talking, people understand each other and there will be understanding, ”she said. In the same vein, she recalled that “the country’s democratic institutions were built on dialogue”.

In continuity with the issue of the upcoming appointment of INE electoral advisers, Creel Miranda considered that Priority must be given to choosing the best candidates from moral, intellectual and technical knowledge and above all with experience.

Santiago Creel reiterated the importance of dialogue, however, pointed out that in the current political landscape there is a polarization that is contaminating political decisions of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Republic. He also accused that the polarization is reinforced from the Executive Power.

But he said that only Good sense, political maturity and prioritizing the well-being of Mexico, can solve this polarization. We finish in 2024, but these appointments run beyond 2024. “If we could get out of the situation of polarization and sit at a table to talk, we would achieve much more,” she said.

No quotas, no raffle; but a dialogue that addresses a process of the characteristics of those who are going to be appointed, on their own merits”, he sentenced.

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In another aspect, on INAI theme, the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Santiago Creel warned that it cannot be left without commissioners and therefore without a quorum to hold sessions. In the same vein, he made the Senate of the Republic responsible for appointing two other commissioners.

“The INAI is a fundamental institute for transparency, accountability and the protection of personal data” he assured.

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