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Crime of Fernando Báez Sosa: Máximo Thomsen testified and apologized

maximum thomsen He is one of the defendants for the crime of Fernando Báez Sosa, who until now is more complicated by the accusation and the evidence that weighs on him and by the statements of several witnesses that place him as the main person responsible for the death of the young man in Villa Gessel.

At this Monday’s hearing, thomson He asked to testify after listening to his mother in front of the Dolores Oral Criminal Court (TOC). He began by apologizing and assured: “I would never have thought of killing someone”. Previously, during the course of the hearing, the rugby player had cried while Blas Cinalli’s mother testified and continued to break when she touched his mother, Rosalía Zárate.

Máximo Thomsen and the rest of the defendants in the trial in Dolores. Source: (Profile).

thomson He told the judges how they got to the bowling alley that night and explained: “We started drinking alcohol early and when we were half drunk we went to buy the tickets”. He continued giving details of what happened inside the bowling alley and assured that someone hit him and “here the security come,” he said.

He assured that he did not understand why they wanted to remove him, when He heard someone say “take him to the kitchen, we’ll screw him up”, after which he was taken from the place. He assured that he wanted to go back in, when he observed that on one side a “big group of boys” were going to confront their friends and he felt “a blow to the face”, which made him react and hit “one or two kicks, without knowing who or how”, he assured.

Rosalía Zárate, mother of Máximo Thomsen. Source: (Infobae).

The prosecution He asked him if he had kicked the victim, and he replied: “I don’t know, I don’t remember who I hit or how”. He argued: “at the time I was in shock with everything that had happened before and I got into that situation.” during his statement refused to recognize the rest of the defendants in the videos of the attack and expressed “I will not answer for other people.”

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