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Cristiano Ronaldo, Kerem Bürsin, Cansu Dere and the other stars who have been supporting Turkey after the earthquake

The tragedy experienced by the Turkish people -and also part of Syria- after the earthquake that devastated them on Monday, February 6, has meant that the expressions of support and solidarity have not stopped coming. On this occasion, actors from Turkey itself, as well as world football personalities such as Cristiano Ronaldo, have been present. See how they will help and/or have been collaborating.

The 7.8 earthquake that woke up the entire Turkish territory -and part of Syria- and which has so far left more than 24,000 deaths -taking into account the victims of both countries- has moved the entire planet and various celebrities have begun to take action.

Turkish artists, mainly soap opera and movie stars, are the standard bearers, but not the only ones. International footballers from the Turkish, Italian and even Arab leagues have raised their hands.


The actress Cansu Dere will be part of a telethon to raise funds for those affected. Her presence at the event will disprove the rumors that she had been buried under the rubble.

Dere will be on the telethon alongside Halit Ergenç, Yılmaz Erdoğan, Şahan Gökbakar, Ata Demirer, Can Yaman and Demet Özdemir.

Cansu Dere is one of the most famous actresses on Turkish television (Photo: Cansu Dere / Facebook)

For his part, the presence of Kerem Bürsin has not yet been confirmed, but it is not ruled out that he joins, since he was one of the first celebs to show his concern about what happened.

“Our pain is so great! Let’s be one! Don’t these disasters show it, these pains we are going through? Our prayers are one, our pain is one, our love is one.. Get well soon my Turkey, ”said the protagonist of“ Love is in the air ”through his social networks.

Kerem Bürsin spoke on social networks after the earthquake in Turkey and Syria (Photo: Kerem Bürsin / Instagram)


Portuguese goalscorer Cristiano Ronaldo will auction one of his shirts that he used in the Juventus from Italy to raise funds for the victims. This was reported by the Turkish journalist Merih Demiral.

The highest offer for the shirt reached 52 thousand in recent days. The journalist contacted the current Al-Nassr striker from Saudi Arabia and revealed it through his social networks. “I just spoke with Cristiano. He told me that he was very sad about what happened in Turkey. We are auctioning the shirt signed by Ronaldo”, he expressed.

During his time at Juventus of Italy (Photo: AFP)

The Italian Leonardo Bonucci and Paulo Dybala also expressed their solidarity and will auction their shirts. For the Argentinian’s shirt, world champion in Qatar, offered up to 17 thousand. The clothing of the Italian center-back also reached that value.

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