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Cristina Kirchner cancels the “operative outcry”: the timing of the vice and the internship that opens between Alberto and Massa

She ratified that she will not be a candidate just when the PJ was getting on the wave. The discussion on PASO or consensus that confronts the President and the minister is installed

By Pablo Sieira

16/05/2023 – 20,12hs

When the National Congress of Justicialist Party (PJ) came to an end, and a new chapter of the “operative outcry” to be a candidate, the vice president Cristina Kirchner ratified her decision not to compete in the elections and with this, not only did she snub those who wanted her on the ballot, but she also opened the door to further complicate the of the Frente de Todos among those who want STEP and those who appeal to consensus candidate.

Cristina Kirchner once again brought out her “timing” for ads who shake the political board, by publishing their letter minutes after the song “Cristina presidenta” will be heard in the micro-stadium of the Ferro club where PJ congressmen met to comply with the formal step of authorizing the party to form alliances for the “primaries”.

“I already said it on December 6, 2022. I am not going to be a pet of power for any candidacy. I have shown, like nobody else, that I privilege the collective project over personal location,” the leader said in an open letter where she recalled what she had already said when she was convicted in the “Roads” case and remarked: “It was not a hasty decision or product of the moment, but of a reasoned and thoughtful decision”.

That definition not only cut with what seemed like a support from the majority of the PJ -the backbone of the Frente de Todos- but also went ahead of the mega act that Kirchnerism prepares for May 25 on Avenida 9 de Julio and that generated expectations around the possibility that he would change his decision. The meaning of that event in electoral terms is now in doubt.

How does Cristina Kirchner’s announcement impact the Frente de Todos?

The vice president was the only figure of the Frente de Todos that blocked a STEP to define the presidential candidate. from the president Alberto Fernandez even the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massapassing through La Cámpora and all sectors of the ruling party, knew that no other leader would compete against the majority shareholder of the alliance.

Everyone was waiting for a definition. Now they have it and the game opens up dangerously. President Alberto Fernández insists that the candidacy must be resolved in the PASO, but the third member of the Frente de Todos, Sergio Massa, has indicated several times in recent days that there should be a single candidate.

Cristina Kirchner confirmed that she will not be a candidate minutes after a “cry” in the PJ Congress

The vice president will continue to play in the electoral framework despite not being a candidate and the possibility that she will give her support or enable her troops to support Massa as a consensus candidatejust as he suggests he would like to be, still dormant. A good part of the Frente de Todos, including trade unionists, governors and mayors, likes this option.

However, in some sectors of Kirchnerismo doubts about the consensus that Massa could generate in the Frente de Todos (where leaders like Juan Grabois distance themselves from the minister) and also on the most loyal electorate of the ruling party.

At the same time, Alberto Fernández sees a window to force a STEP. The ambassador in Brazil, Daniel Scioliand the chief of staff, Agustín Rossithey have already entered the race for the candidacy with winks from the outgoing president, but Massa opposes and his figure divides Kirchnerism, where the camporista minister Edward “Wado” of Peter affirms before friends and strangers that He also wants to compete in primaries

Thus, the confirmation of Cristina Kirchner that she will not appear on any ballot it gives greater centrality to the internal discussion on the electoral strategy and complicates it.

News in development.

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