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Cristina Kirchner cooled the operative outcry and raised Javier Milei to the electoral ring

Cristina Kirchner reappeared in public in La Plata (REUTERS)

“Don’t make the curls”. It was the first thing the vice president answered, Cristina Kirchner, to the proposal of the militancy that this Thursday had access to the Ginaestera Hall of the Teatro Argentino de La Plata. Outside, a crowd took over the streets of the center of the Buenos Aires capital and came with the idea of ​​having a certainty of whether in the next elections they will be able to vote for CFK or they will have to wait. All despite the fact that the song was unison inside and outside the auditorium: “Cristina presidenta”. “We hope it sets a course, that’s what we came for,” said a leader from La Cámpora before the speech. He did, but without her in front of her.

It is not about a person, it is necessary to rebuild government programs, so that nothing depends on a person again”, marked the former president. A packed audience sang “Cristina presidenta” in the preview. When the same support was felt in the middle of the speech, the head of the Senate put a brake on it. “No, President, no…”, she cooled.

“He has already given everything, we cannot ask him for anything more. Néstor once told me, ‘when you fight with Clarín it’s forever’, said a union leader, a contemporary of the Vice President, after the act. The expectation of the militancy was high, but within Kirchnerism it was palpable that the Vice President was not going to give an electoral pronouncement in her own electoral key. It will be the Front that has to define how to continue. That is the message that was repeated once the act was over, already in the central hall.

It may interest you: Cristina Kirchner asked to review the agreement with the IMF, linked it to the exchange rate tension and targeted Javier Milei

The militancy followed the act from outside the theater (Aglaplata)

The former head of state recalled the outbreak of 2001. She spoke of convertibility and sent a message to young people, comparing javier milei with domingo horse. “Both light-eyed,” she said. He stated that “they come to tell us that today it failed, it could be the solution”, referring to the dollarization plan proposed by the Liberal deputy. Dollarization was the main axis of his speech in a hot week for the movement of currencies.

As has been happening, and even the president of the Buenos Aires PJ raised it, maximum kirchner, the Vice President also recalled that the main leaders of Juntos “were part of that government”, when speaking of the Alliance. Without naming them, she made reference to Horacio Rodriguez Larreta, Mary Eugenia Vidal, Patricia Bullrich, Gerardo Morales and Ricardo Lopez Murphy – “It lasted ten days and the Purple Strip threw him out,” he warned about the national deputy. It was perhaps one of the dedications to Juntos and not much else, referring to the opposition leaders of the alliance that governed the country between 2015 and 2019.

He spoke about the concentration of prices and the companies that monopolize the market. He cited several. He said that it is the discussion in the street. “The acts are very nice, but let’s give the debate body to body ”. In his exhibition, he said that one lives “a circular Argentina that returns to its failures”.

“I am not saying that we are right, but do not tell me that we have to go back to solve this present and this future,” he admitted. Before another cry from the public, put cold cloths back on. The discussion he raises is deeper than a candidacy, although -as he said tonight- “everything has to do with everything.”

In a political key, just as he flew over the figure of the libertarian Milei -whom he never named-, he also referred to Juntos. “I have a hard time understanding the logic of hawks and doves, I am a penguin. We penguins are collective, we all go there, here”. From the boxes the song came down: “I am Argentine, I am a soldier of the penguin.” The head of the Senate added: “Alone we do nothing and get nowhere.”

The place was packed with leaders and militants

The dissertation was merely in an economic key. Christina He again raised his rejection of the agreement with the International Monetary Fund. “That agreement it is inflationary because it is a canned policy that is applied monothematically“, said. “It is necessary to review, but not to avoid paying. We want the conditionalities to be reviewed and that the amounts paid to the Fund be tied to a trade surplus. When it happens to us like now, with the drought, it is clear that it is necessary to tie the trade surplus and not the fiscal deficit”.

Next, he referred to the Minister of Social Development of the Nation, Victoria Toulouse Peace. One of the figures close to the president, Alberto Fernandez, that this afternoon he attended the Teatro Argentino and was located in the sector shared by the Buenos Aires governor, Axel Kicillof; the national deputy maximum kirchner; the interior minister, Edward of Peter, provincial ministers and mayors of Buenos Aires Peronism. The presence of Tolosa Paz, who together with the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, They were the only two national officials mentioned by CFK and perhaps marked a new stage in the internal Frente de Todos.

Axel Kicillof, among those present (Aglaplata)

Massa was called Sergio, simply, as has been happening in recent interventions. Thus, the leader of the Frente Renovador took -via his own entourage that represented him this Thursday in La Plata- an implicit political support. Especially because of the agreement that he sealed yesterday with China to import in Yuan. “Yesterday the minister was signing a very good deal with Chinaso that we can use the swap when I was the president,” he said.

The Minister of Economy sent his entourage of 12 Buenos Aires mayors, national and provincial legislators. In addition, the national deputy, monica litza, participated in the table that was set up on stage for the launch of the Néstor Kirchner Justicialista School. Although there was no explanation, Yes, the gestures were imposed on the Minister of Economy.


He also said that the last measures taken by Massa, the social and political leader, were good. John Grabois, unlike what was stated weeks ago. “He was good in those two things that Massa did, that’s why this week I didn’t say anything. We love Cristina, then there are people that Cristina values ​​and we don’t value that much”, Grabois said and warned that the clamor operation “is a strategy that leads to the wrong place”.

After the act, The prevailing feeling was that Cristina Kirchner “is not going to erase with her elbow what she wrote with her hand”alluding to that position that “I was not going to be a candidate for anything.”

“Here it is no coincidence that the only political leader who was convicted, proscribed, who tried to assassinate was only one. These jerks who are saying that the caste is afraid, what is brother afraid of … if nothing ever happened to you?, cheeks, “she said at the end of her talk to return to the figure of Milei. He automatically lowered the “Cristina president” from the stands. The vice president did not return her gesture and spoke about the future, about the country she wants for her grandchildren and the defense of natural resources. Cristina Kirchner planted what to do. The Front of All must continue discussing the how.

Outside, thousands of people from different groups gathered on the corner of Calle 9 and 53 to follow the event on giant screens. The liturgy to which Kirchnerism is accustomed he did not take the certainty of a candidate Cristina Kirchnerbut yes the greeting of his political boss once finished the act.

Keep reading:

Cristina Kirchner asked to review the agreement with the IMF, linked it to the exchange rate tension and targeted Javier Milei
“What are you coming to fuck me with, that we are afraid of you?”: Cristina Kirchner pointed at Milei and the economist responded
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