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Cristina requested the arrest of three members of the Federal Revolution

Wednesday December 28, 2022 | 8:20 p.m.

The vice president reviewed the points of contact between the Federal Revolution and the attack she suffered a few months ago. //Photo: File.

The vice president reviewed the points of contact between the Federal Revolution and the attack she suffered a few months ago. //Photo: File.

Vice President Cristina Kirchner on Wednesday requested new testing measures and the arrest of Federal Revolution members Jonathan Morel, Leandro Sosa and Gastón Guerra. In addition, she once again asked the Justice to unify the legal cases that are investigating them with the one that is being followed by the attempt on his life committed on September 1 at the door of her house in Recoleta.

As the former president argued on her social networks, “from the conversations discovered between these members of the Federal Revolution, it emerged that they were planning to raise money to hire a hitman… The money was found and the hitman is in prison.”

In this context, he also launched himself against the judges in the case: “What else will Bruglia, Bertuzzi and Llorens need to unify causes and arrest all those responsible? That they kill me? In that case, everyone will know that , in addition to whoever wields the weapon, there will be others responsible”.

In addition to the published messages, the vice president attached a document presented to the prosecutor and the judge in the case, stating the reasons for the request. There she develops the points of contact between the Federal Revolution and the attack against herself, the financing, the arrests, the secrecy of the summary.

After the development of the points mentioned, there is a section that wields the requests by the defense, among them, the immediate arrest of Jonathan Morel,
Gaston Guerra and Leonardo Sosa. In addition, that the summary secrecy be issued until the requested tests and measures are produced.

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