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Criteria are urged to TEPJF before proselytism of ‘corcholatas’

Erika Hernández / Reform Agency

Thursday, May 04, 2023 | 18:57

Mexico City.- The counselor Claudia Zavala urged the Specialized Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal to define criteria to analyze complaints against the proselytism of presidential candidates, since, she considered, it is evident that there is an aspiration and promotion of public servants.

The INE Complaints Commission declared inadmissible six precautionary measures against the Secretary of the Interior, Adán Augusto López; the head of Government of Mexico City, Claudia Sheinbaum; and Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard, in the face of complaints from the PAN, PRI and citizens for anticipated pre-campaign acts.

Zavala, president of said internal body, clarified that these are analyzed with the current criteria, which are not in accordance with the acts that are taking place, such as events, propaganda on social networks, phrases, interviews in various media, which imply the participation active of three public servants, who have expressed that they want the presidential candidacy.

“This is an analysis that in a comprehensive and necessary way must be analyzed in depth by the Specialized Regional Chamber to, in front of the public, say whether or not it is allowed and there must be a different form of behavior of public servants,” he warned.

“Giving that clarity and that certainty in a timely manner will be essential before the beginning of an electoral process, where all the states of the Republic will have at least one election and the federal election will take place,” he warned.

He recalled that a few years ago, the PVEM began to submit reports on the work of deputies, without questioning, but when the Court carried out a comprehensive analysis of these, it realized that it was a strategy that implied the evasion of the prohibition, so that, permanently, their servers will position themselves and they were anticipated electoral acts.

For this reason, he considered, in order to avoid “simulations, abuses of the right or fraud of the law” by public servants, the current criteria should be reviewed and complemented to even point out those likely responsible for the wall art, utilitarian propaganda and realization of events.

“It seems to me that it has to be comprehensive (the review), whether or not there is a modality of anticipated positioning by public servants and, therefore, a violation of constitutional 134,” he added.

“Before, public servants did not go out to create committees to support an aspiration, today we do; before, public servants did not go to give so many talks every eight days, it is a legitimate right when one has this academic part, but another issue comes in when You are a public servant and you have made a claim and events are held where obviously there are logistics prepared for the reception of the public servant”.

Even, he recalled, the national leader of Morena himself, Mario Delgado, sent a letter asking the governors to invite the applicants to their states.

Faced with the new councilors Rita López and Jorge Montaño, who did not issue an opinion on the issues, Zavala considered that citizens are questioning whether the so-called “corcholatas” can do everything they do to position themselves.

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