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CSD Colo Colo requests to reverse the measure that harms the entry of fans against Boca

Libertadores CupComments

The CSD Colo Colo will try to revoke the measure adopted by the authorities that reduced the capacity for Cacique fans and season ticket holders for the match against Boca Juniors for the Copa Libertadores.

© Guille SalazarCSD Colo Colo wants to reverse the punishment of Estadio Seguro against Colo Colo

Colo Colo will face off against Boca Juniors on a new Copa Libertadores date. Los Albos received bad news before this match, since it was sanctioned by Conmebol and by the national authorities. In total, there will be four sectors of the Monumental Stadium that will be closed and that will harm fans and subscribers of the club. From the CSD Colo Colo they have already taken measures.

Minutes after the sale of tickets against the Xeneize team began, A press release was published on the social networks of the Social and Sports Club in relation to the measure adopted by the Chilean authorities after the request of Estadio Seguro.

CSD Colo Colo wants to reverse measures taken against Boca Juniors

In the letter, the CSD made three points public referring to what they consider an unfair measure that goes against fans and subscribers of the Macul group. Below are the points mentioned in the statement.

  1. “Nour absolute rejection of the determinationwhich seems arbitrary, ineffective, discriminatory and stigmatizing with subscribers and fans of the most popular sectors of the Monumental Stadium”.
  2. “According to what you informed us, this measure was taken by the regional authority after a request from Estadio Seguro, who have not been willing to implement effective measures and generate instances of permanent coordination, despite our repeated efforts.
  3. We have formally requestedto revoke this measure and we will promote its immediate rectification in all existing areas.

In this way, the objective is that both the general public and subscribers for the sanctioned sectors (Arica, Lautaro, Caupolicán and Galvarino), can enter the sports redoubt.

The meeting between Colo Colo and Boca Juniors is scheduled for Wednesday, May 3 from 8:00 p.m.. All the news of this duel can be found at

The statement of the CSD Colo Colo

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