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Cuba begins to issue passports with ten years of validity and without the need for extension

Cuba begins to issue passports with ten years of validity and without the need for extension

Havana, Jul 1 (EFE).- Cuban passports issued as of this Saturday will be valid for 10 years (instead of 6) for those over 16, according to the recent reform announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Minrex ).

Likewise, from now on no passport should be extended (previously an extension was required every 2 years) and the cost of issuing this document -which previously changed depending on the country where it was requested- is fixed at 180 dollars or euros for people over 16 years of age. and 140 dollars or euros for minors.

The general director of Consular Affairs and Cuban Residents Abroad, Ernesto Soberón, recalled on Twitter the implementation of this regulatory change, announced in May as one of the major reforms in this area and as an attempt by the Executive to “strengthen of ties” with the great Cuban community abroad.

Cuba ratifies, once again, the path taken with Dialogue 78 under the guidance of (former president) Fidel (Castro) and the will of our Government to continue strengthening ties with our nationals abroad,” wrote Soberón.

Despite these regulatory changes, Cuba maintains restrictions on travel abroad for some of its nationals, often for political reasons.

In addition, several people with Cuban nationality -mainly people who have been politically significant- have denounced in recent months that they have been prevented from flying back to their country, something that violates international law.

Soberón also announced in May that “the time spent in Cuba” for Cubans residing abroad and their direct foreign relatives, spouses and children would also be equated.

The third measure announced established the compulsory use of the Cuban passport when entering and leaving the country for citizens who emigrated before January 1, 1971. Even if they have other nationalities, Cubans must enter their country with the island’s passport.

Soberón then indicated that the extension of uninterrupted stay abroad “beyond 24 months, automatic and free of charge”, announced in March 2020 due to the pandemic, remains in force.

It is estimated that more than 2 million Cubans live abroad, mainly in Florida (United States) and Spain.

This figure has increased considerably in the last two years, due to the unprecedented exodus that the country is experiencing, mainly as a result of the serious economic crisis that Cuba is suffering. According to different estimates, the island lost between 3% and 4% of its population in 2022 alone. EFE


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