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Cuba is a laboratory of globalism and communism

Cuba is a laboratory of globalism and communism

The event, which Cuban, Nicaraguan and other nationality exiles attendedwas convened to raise prayers for the freedom of Cuba, within the framework of the “Unity and Freedom” campaign recently announced by the ARC at an event at the American Museum of the Cuban Diaspora.

In the emotional open-air meeting, a few steps from the Ermita boardwalk that resembles that of Havana, Gutiérrez-Boronat said that “Cuba was the first nation in the hemisphere occupied by globalism, a great laboratory created by communist forces and by the leftist elites of the West, to have a showcase”

“A laboratory to show the supposed benefits of communism,” he emphasized.

The activist denounced what he did not hesitate to call a “undeniable collusion” of communism as a whole and the Castro-communist dictatorship “to hide in a drawer” and “remove from public view what is happening in Cuba.”

“The communist forces and the Western socialist elites that they imposed on Cuba turned Cuba into the cancer of the hemisphere and the metastasis of that cancer has hurt all the people of Latin America,” he stressed.

Gutiérrez-Boronat stated that “in the face of this reality, the Cuban exile, the internal resistance never stoppedand at this moment within Cuba there are prayer groups, in different provinces, which are part of the prayers that we are doing to encourage those of us who are fighting for the freedom of Cuba.”

The leader of the ARC recalled the long history of resistance of the Cuban people against oppression, highlighting the “brave efforts” of political prisoners and internal resistance.

According to him, the threats against him and other exiles from the Havana regime have increased, although he reiterated the determination of the island’s emigrant community and its allies to continue advancing in the campaign for freedom, taking inspiration from other movements of resistance like those in Taiwan and Ukraine.

Full speech

The following is the text of the full speech given by Gutiérrez-Boronat:

Today we meet here as a family, the great family of freedom to ask for the spiritual support of the supreme God, the only God for this campaign of “Unity and Freedom” that we announced at the American Museum of the Cuban Diaspora a few weeks ago. I say family of freedom, because all of us who are here know each other. Family of freedom, because it is a joy, because here we are praying for freedom and there are children playing, they are laughing and they are absorbing the example that we want to give them, because we are fighting for their future and their freedom, that is a blessing.

I want to thank all the communities present, there is even a family that drove from Boca Raton to here, who are here to participate in this prayer and it is a welcome, because today we are those of us who believe in God, so that He encourages us in this effort of this campaign that we are undertaking to achieve the freedom of Cuba, in this very important phase.

The social-communist regime imposed on Cuba has destroyed the Cuban nation. Cuba was the first nation in the hemisphere occupied by globalism, a great laboratory created by the communist forces and the leftist elites of the West, to have a showcase, a laboratory to show the supposed benefits of communism and there has been an undeniable conspiracy to hide in a drawer, to remove from public view what is happening in Cuba. Faced with that reality, the Cuban exile, the internal resistance never fell silent and at this moment within Cuba there are prayer groups, in different provinces, that are part of this prayer that we are doing to encourage those of us who are fighting for the freedom of Cuba. .

The night has been long and when I hear people say that God has abandoned us, God has not abandoned us, God has done with us what he did with the people of Israel, he has sent us prophets, he has sent us warriors, he has sent us to the Elijahs, he has sent us to the Maccabees. There has not been a decade, a month, a year, a week, a day that a Cuban has not risen up against that tyranny, in the way that he has chosen and in the way that has been correct for him. Our history is full of fallen people, and for each of those fallen, new liberators have risen and been born. Communism has not been able to crush the thirst for freedom in Cuba, which is part of our identity and our intrinsic dignity as human beings. Our freedom, our dignity are gifts from God and no one has been able to tear them from our chests.

In the last two days, the regime has intensified its campaign of intimidation, threats, promises to harm many exile activists, publishing photos of our houses, etc. etc They are completely wrong if they think we are afraid. With the example that the political prisoners give in Cuba, with the example of the Nicaraguans, the Venezuelans, the Bolivians who fight, how we are going to allow ourselves to be intimidated, that is not going to happen, but not only are we not going to allow ourselves to be intimidated, But we are going to continue advancing in this campaign, and we have clear examples, we have them in Ukraine, or in Taiwan, of peoples who refuse to be subjugated by totalitarian states converted into world powers, converted into dangerous war machines by that same Western leftist elite. who created those monsters.

The communist forces and the Western socialist elites that imposed on Cuba, that turned Cuba into the cancer of the hemisphere and the metastasis of that cancer has hurt all the people of Latin America, did not count on us to ever give up in this fight. This fight is not only for Cubans, this fight is for all those who love freedom wherever they are.

The Cuban exile, with the internal resistance, has strengthened its identity and this unity of resistance within Cuba and outside the island is what will lead us to victory.

We ask for the blessing of the supreme God, of the only God who has blessed us with the light of so many fighters, of so many prophets, of so many warriors for freedom, of so many worthy women who have given the example of struggle, as more than a hundred do. political prisoners in Cuba, as the political prison of Cuban women did historically, to illuminate this new stage of our campaign, each step of this campaign arm in arm with our Nicaraguan, Venezuelan, Bolivian brothers, all lovers of freedom , all believers in God. Victory is near and we will not negotiate that victory, that is our solemn promise, not to negotiate victory, because victory is the total return of sovereignty to the people of Cuba, because victory is the vindication and rescue of our history, because History is achieving the rights for which the Cuban mambises fought, because victory is that the people of Cuba can regain control over their own lives.

Homeland and life! Long live free Cuba!

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