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Cuba strengthens its dependence on Russia with oil refinery project

Cuba strengthens its dependence on Russia with oil refinery project

HAVANA.- Russia aims to intensify its influence in Cuba with the proposal to build an oil refinery on the island, a project that underscores Havana’s growing dependence on external allies. The recent visit of a Russian delegation led by Viacheslav Volodin, Speaker of the State Duma, It highlights Moscow’s plans not only to build the necessary infrastructure, but also to get involved in the processing of Cuban crude oil.

According to Alexander Babakov, Deputy Speaker of the State Duma, The Russian project is not limited to the construction of the refinery. Moscow is also seeking to participate in the production of petroleum products, such as fertilizers. “Along with economic interest, it is necessary to resolve a number of organizational issues in terms of creating a favorable environment for investment, I think the Cuban leadership understands this,” Babakov said, according to the report. Marti News.

The Havana regime has been facing an energy crisis for years, which has been aggravated by its inability to manage its resources efficiently. The recent resumption of Russian oil exports to Cuba and the agreement to supply 1.64 million metric tons annually highlight the lack of viable alternatives and the island’s growing subordination to Moscow.

Cuba’s energy dependence is not a new phenomenon. For years, Venezuela was the island’s main oil supplier, but the crisis in the Venezuelan oil industry and sanctions imposed on Nicolás Maduro’s regime by the United States have drastically reduced shipments. In an attempt to alleviate this situation, Mexico exported significant quantities of oil to Cuba in 2023, but those shipments also stopped this year, leaving Cuba in an even more precarious position.

Instead of investing in local infrastructure that would allow Cuba to process its own crude oil independently, the Cuban regime chooses to perpetuate the energy crisis and limit possibilities for internal development and autonomy.

Close cooperation between Cuba and Russia, including economic and military agreements, underscores a relationship that primarily benefits Russian interests. The presence of Russian warships in the Caribbean and cooperation agreements not only reinforce Russia’s control over the island, but also divert attention from Cuba’s internal crisis and the regime’s inability to address the country’s structural problems.

Source: With information from Martí News

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