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Cuban buys clothes and groceries for homeless compatriot in Tampa

Cuban buys clothes and groceries for homeless compatriot in Tampa

Cuban Roger Roger, who is dedicated to helping several of his compatriots living on the streets in Tampa, bought clothes and groceries from Melquíades Limonta, an elderly man from Guantanamo whom he has begun to sponsor.

“I no longer feel alone, I have you and Jesus Christ”, said this man in a street situation to his benefactorafter receiving the clothes and food.

Limonta also thanked all the Cubans who have been interested in his situation after the first video shared by Roger.

In the video, broadcast on the networks last Monday, Limonta assured that he lives on the street in Tampa and wants to return to his homeland.

“I’m crazy about leaving, I have my three children in Cuba,” he confessed.

Roger, for his part, said that he would take care of Limonta’s travel expenses and documents if one of his three children in Cuba is willing to welcome him.

Now, in this new video, the old man is seen with a new face and excited by the help received.

“Don’t compete, share what you have, come with me to these neighborhoods, and give food to those who don’t have” is the rapped motto of this Cuban migrant, who helps his most needy compatriots with food and food, and documents his humanitarian work in the networks.

In May, Mercedes Dueñas and Omar Noriega, a Cuban couple who survived under a bridge in Downtown Miami and whose case was made public and achieved notoriety he began to receive help from legal advisors and the Cuban community.

“In itself we already solved the food aid problem and my husband solved it for social security. That they give him the social for his work permit,” Dueñas said.

For his part, Noriega thanked “that part of the problems that we really had are already being resolved.” The couple, who arrived in the United States by crossing the border at the beginning of 2023, explained that they were relocated to Alabama and after getting a job, they ended up being fired for lack of documents.

For their part, in February, Ángel Correa and Agustín Balboa, two elderly Cubans who asked for help after being expelled from the apartment where they lived in Miami, thanked the community raising money to help them rent a new home.

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