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Cuban immigrants detained after illegally crossing the US border

Cuban immigrants detained after illegally crossing the US border

Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) Agents They arrested 38 immigrants, including Cubansby one group of 88 who illegally crossed the border with Mexico, this Tuesday.

The large group included families, single adults and unaccompanied childrenwho trespassed across private property in Maverick County, reported on the X network the lieutenant Chris OlivarezDPS spokesperson in the South Texas region.

Of the total number of migrants intercepted, the authorities They arrested 38 single adults facing criminal charges for home invasion.

These They come from CubaMexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Peru, Venezuela, Guatemala, Honduras and the Dominican Republic, and were transferred to the Val Verde Processing Center, Olivarez indicated. The number of Cubans arrested was not specified..

And video published by the officer shows the moment in which the undocumented immigrants are sighted by the authorities, after illegally crossing the border between Mexico and the United States through the county of the southern state.

The operation is part of the Texas efforts to reduce illegal crossings through the border area belonging to its territory, through the controversy Operation Lone Starlaunched in 2021 by the governor Greg Abbott.

The Republican blame the policies of President Joe Biden’s administration of the massive arrival and illegal entry of migrants across the Texas border with Mexico.

The week before, Biden signed a group of executive actions that will prevent irregular migrants from receiving asylum in the US who illegally cross the southern border.

The president issued an order under sections 212(f) and 215(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) suspending the entry of non-citizens who illegally cross the border.

A day later, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) announced that he was looking for a agreement with the US government so that immigrants are not returned to Mexico after the application of the measure approved by Biden.

AMLO proposed an agreement between the countries of origin of the migrants and the United States to resolve the increase in asylum requests and deportations from that country.

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