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Cuban Institute for Freedom of Expression and Press denounces cyber attack

Cuban Institute for Freedom of Expression and Press denounces cyber attack

MIAMI — The Cuban Institute for Freedom of Expression and Press (ICLEP) denounced the cyber attack that its website suffered and that keeps it offline.

The organization reported that the event occurred in the afternoon of February 14, since then its platform has been disabled from communicating with the public, and under these circumstances communication is limited “through our social networks and other communication channels alternatives”.

“Despite the efforts of our technician, the website remains inaccessible at this time”reported the ICLEP on its Facebook social network.

Likewise, ICLEP assured that recovering its platform is a challenge in a “hostile digital environment.” The organization defending freedom of expression urged the international community to remain vigilant in the face of the events that occurred.

“This incident underscores the crucial importance of freedom of expression and the press, as well as the challenges we face in an increasingly complex and hostile digital environment. Despite this setback, we reaffirm our unwavering commitment to promoting and defending these rights. fundamental in Cuba and throughout the world,” the organization said in a statement.


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