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Cuban manages to order fried chicken in a restaurant in the United States

Cuban manages to order fried chicken in a restaurant in the United States

Do not speak English can play tricks on you in the United Statesbut sometimes just a little creativity is enough to come out unscathed.

A young Cuban woman managed to order fried chicken in a New York restaurant and make the clerk, who only spoke English and did not understand Spanish, understand her.

Using signs and pointing at your body to indicate the parts of the chicken he wanted, he was able to place his order.

The video, which has gone viral on TikTok, is extremely funny because The young woman moves her arms to indicate that she wants chicken and of this the wings, he touches his thighs and hips showing the other parts that he wants on his plate.

It is worth noting that he got a very nice and patient clerk because he even ended up laughing at the girl’s idea.

Of course, the signs worked because in the end he managed to eat fried chicken.

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