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Cuban mother asks for help for her daughter admitted urgently for bronchial aspiration


The Cuban mother Yamilet Torres González once again asked for help to get the new medicines she needs his daughter with a brain tumor who has been admitted urgently for bronchial aspiration this Tuesday in Matanzas.

In a case update published Tuesdaythe academic and activist Alina Bárbara López Hernández reported that this girl, for whom she had asked for help before, had a bronchial aspiration, because she choked while eating due to her health condition.

“She is admitted to the Colón hospital, still in pre-admission waiting to go up to intensive care. She needs help for medicines like rosefin, bronchodilators, “in short, in everything that can help me,” she tells me, “she reads in the post of the intellectual from Matanzas.

In a previous post, posted on Facebook a few days ago, López Hernández had shared this mother’s initial request for help.

“My girl’s name is Elaine Ramos Torres and she has undergone surgery for a cerebellar astrocytoma, in addition to having a right hemiparesis that makes it very difficult for her to walk. She is epileptic and suffers from chronic gastritis and bladder and anal incontinence; among other pathologies typical of her disease ”, explained Torres González.

“I need help for your medications which are: phenytoin, clonazepam and diazepam. My economy is not enough to buy your food. Thank you very much if you could help me as much as possible. You can contact me through the number 58679875”, adds the message from this desperate mother, who lives in the municipality of Colón, Matanzas.

López Hernández recalled that he met Yamilet Torres González through a letter sent to The Young Cubathe independent medium where he worked.

“It was in the middle of a pandemic and she could not get anticonvulsants for her daughter who suffers from serious illnesses, in addition to the fact that the mattress on which she slept was a ruin. We published her case and she received some support. She now writes again and asks me to help her. It is very sad what happens to families in this situation. What is in my hands is to make it known and thank those who are sensitive to this woman and her daughter, ”she lamented.

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