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Cuban repeats in talent contest on US television

Cuban repeats in talent contest on US television

The Cuban Liester Hernández, resident in Tampa, Florida, returns strongly for his second participation in the North American television contest “I have talent, a lot of talent“, where he will demonstrate all the virtuosity of his voice.

The musician and jury of the show, Don ChetoWhen he saw the 30-year-old Cuban, he told him: “Asere, I remember you“, while welcoming him: “It’s nice to see you here again”, as seen in a video published by the contest in Facebook.

Hernández considered that the return to the talent contest, It would be the great opportunity I had been waiting for..

To do this, he opted for the interpretation of the song “Sería un error”, by composer Joss Favela, earning the praise and admiration of the judges of “tiene Talento, Mucho Talento”.

The young singer shared with the public and followers of the program that he is currently studying a university degree with the aim of “helping people who need it, because one of my passions is helping people“he declared.

Regarding this revelation, the Mexican singer Ana Barbara He noted: “How I would like you to hit, to take your leap, for this (the television show) to be the platform for someone like you,” expressing his wishes that the young man achieve a career as a musician.

Recently Another Cuban literally conquered the heart of the jury of “I have Talent, Much Talent” with his version of “When I wanted to be big”, a song well remembered in the voice of Vicente Fernandez.

With his performance, Alexander Capote He brought the jury to its feet and received a beautiful compliment from one of the panel members, the Mexican singer Ana Barbarawho told: “You have the best voice of the season“.

Also, the Cuban Osleny Hernandez He paid an emotional tribute to his grandmother, who died three years ago, during his performance on this television show, winning the hearts of the contest judges.

Hernandez, who resides in Hollywood, Broward County, Floridachose the song “Como Quien Pierde una Estrella” by the composer Humberto Estrada Olivasand demonstrated his talent in front of the jury.

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