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Cuban resident in Las Tunas denounces attempted robbery with extreme violence in his home


A Cuban residing in the city of Las Tunas denounced an attempt to heist in his home that was marked by extreme violence, as the alleged thieves pounded on the door until it was broken.

“I woke up to screams and blows. Twelve meters from my bedroom, the door of my house seemed to be assaulted by a horde of savages. And they were”, wrote At the beginning of the overwhelming story on social networks, the alleged victim, identified as Sacramento José Acebo Hidalgo.

Acebo Hidalgo indicated that it would be around 2:30 am on Tuesday when the beatings began at his home, which he believes wereRan like an ax or mandarriasomething he called a “blatant assault” as if he were “in a country of armed gangs in a Viking movie.”

He says that not only did he yell when he realized what was happening, but he also heard other neighbors scream from their homes. Acebo Hidalgo says that finally the criminals, that he he thinks it was between four and sixthey ran away.

“The entire neighborhood has been as astonished as I was. It has been understood loud and clear: if this happens with impunity in the City of Las Tunas – where I have lived since I was born – today any home is vulnerable,” he said.

Capture of Facebook/Sacramento José Acebo Hidalgo

The victim of the attempted robbery promised a second message with details about his phone call to the police and the meeting with the officers, which occurred about five hours later, he said. However, until the closing of this note, she has not made such a publication.

The province of Las Tunas has not escaped the wave of violence and robberies that have plagued the country in recent months.

This same week, the victim of a robbery posted on social networks a video from a surveillance camera in which a young man was seen carrying a children’s bicycle and other items from the roof of a house.

In July, a thief was also captured in Las Tunas while stealing a parked bike on the street. Also in Las Tunas, a woman denounced that her house had been robbed five times and that the criminals took up a part of the roof.

In those days it transpired that an alleged thief was caught on camera when he robbed inside a house in the same territory and took two bicycles and tools.

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