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Cuban Santa Claus pleases a girl in Hialeah and conquers the networks: “Forget about that”

Cuban Santa Claus pleases a girl in Hialeah and conquers the networks: "Forget about that"

There is no doubt that the Cuban does not resist any job and that he is always willing to adopt any role no matter what time of year it is.

This has been proven in a video that has begun to circulate on social networks and that has brought more than a smile to everyone who has seen it. This is a Cuban who has dressed up as Santa Claus in the city of Hialeah, Florida to enliven children’s enthusiasm for these Christmas dates.

In the audiovisual you can see the Cuban dressed in his red suit and sitting on a throne in what appears to be a park, while a girl tells him in English what she would like him to bring her as a gift.

However, everything seems to indicate that the Cuban does not understand what the girl is telling him and asks “what do you want?” to the adult accompanying her, to which she responds “cookie toy“.

“¿Ah, a cookie toy? Oh, forget about that. Does that fit in a box? Then I’ll bring it to you.”, the man tells him in the purest Cuban style. Then he added, “Forget about that. You have to behave. Now, no problem”.

The video has sparked all kinds of humorous comments among Internet users, who have made special allusion to the accent and gestures of the disguised Cuban.

“And this Santa, did he come through the border or with parole?”, “Asere, I didn’t know that Santa was Cuban”, “This is very crazy”, “I love it, I can’t stop laughing”, “This Santa He is still with his oars on his shoulder and with tremendous handsomeness” or “Oh God, I really like this Santa, I have not seen anything like him”, are some of the messages that can be read in the post.

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