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Cuban taxi driver refuses to take an elderly woman from a hospital for missing 100 pesos


A Cuban woman denounced on social networks the lack of humanity of a taxi driver from a state agency who refused to take her 78-year-old mother from the Miguel Henríquez hospital to her house for missing 100 pesos from the price he had set for the race. which was 600.

“Hello I need to share this post, so that the directors and managers of Taxi Agencies can see the lack of respect that their workers have, with state cars in the country -because they do not own any- with the public in need”, began by saying the Internet user, whose complaint has been disseminated on social networks.

He explained that the unpleasant incident occurred when leaving a medical shift with an elderly woman who has spinal problems, who uses a cane because of the difficulty she has in walking, and after two hours of waiting in the hospital, without eating since the day before, because the medical test that was going to be done required it.

“She needed to go home without delay and for that she needed to rent a taxi, one of those who work there, I don’t know if illegally or legally, we are not interested, because as is known, the objective is to ‘resolve’, and now for Arriving there, another had been located by one of the many WhatsApp agencies,” he said.

The woman did not specify the route that the taxi should take, but explained that it was not long. She says that when she asked a taxi driver the price, he answered by asking her “how much did she have?”

When told that he should decide, he says that at the moment he answered 600 CUP.

“I said yes, so I looked for her and we went there, my husband and I were coming on a motorcycle, when we checked that we were missing 100 CUP because we had had a simple snack and we didn’t realize it, I explained to that gray-haired man of legal age how She, who was not supposed to be born in this era, and has sentimental and healthy human values, when almost riding, said that she would not take it with that, and that that money was not useful to her, exact words, “says the complainant.

The woman regretted that the taxi driver gave such an “unpleasant and unfair excuse for an almost disabled lady”, but in order not to create a bad situation they accepted, remained silent and another driver appeared who did take them for that money.

“Someone tell me if even with the little to which we have access there must be this abuse, this ignorance, this mistreatment, it is my mother who needed that charity, and if it were another person, she would not agree with such indolence either, and I ask this reaches the superiors who have to do with it,” he concluded.

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