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Cuban TikToker Dedicates Motivating Message to Newcomers to the United States

Cuban TikToker Dedicates Motivating Message to Newcomers to the United States

He tiktoker Cuban Argüelles Positivo shared a thoughtful and inspiring video on TikTok aimed at those who achieved their goal of reaching the United States, in which he offered words of encouragement and his vision of the challenges they will face in their new life.

“You fulfilled your dream and arrived in the United States, you arrived in Yuma, so congratulations and blessings,” Argüelles began his reflection with which he intends to “say what no one tells you but I am going to tell you in a learning way, so that you know what you are going to face from now on.”

In his much-discussed video, the young man, known online for his type of reflections and motivational speeches, warned that the first few years in the United States would be difficult: “You’re going to do things and work that you never thought you would do in your country,” he explained, and warned that it didn’t matter what profession you practiced in your country of origin: everyone had to start from scratch.

He tiktoker He also spoke about the opportunities that could be lost due to lack of transportation, lack of knowledge of the language and lack of papers, and he also referred to the support of other people: “You also have to know that those friends and relatives who told you, ‘I’m here,’ will often disappear and you will be left alone,” he said in that regard.

He closed his words with a call to hope and not to be overcome by initial doubts or uncertainties: “Many times you are going to feel frustrated and you are going to feel like throwing everything away and wanting to return to your country, but the great news is that if you are already here there is no room to go back.”

Despite the challenges that he recognizes there will be along the way, Argüelles maintained an optimistic tone: “If you are already here, you are a champion. You have already achieved the most important thing in your life, which is to get out of where you were,” he continued and encouraged them to maintain faith and determination to overcome difficulties and achieve their goals in the United States, because “the yuma needs heart, faith and a lot of brain to know how to get up in difficult moments and say I am here and I came to fulfill my goal.”

Her message resonated deeply with online users, who left numerous comments of support and gratitude.

“My bro, congratulations, the truth is that one of the best content seen today is yours. Good messages and very real, keep it up my brother, you are already a champion”; “I am blessed to be born in the United States, of Cuban descent. I greatly admire my Cuban friends who have been here for a few years. They are fighters, good people with good hearts. They are champions”; “When I arrived in Spain everything was hard at the beginning, but you always keep moving forward”, “Blessings to you, excellent reflection, we are brave, because we were in Cuba, but it is starting from scratch wherever you go, it is putting effort into it, a new life”, said some.

“I’ve been doing this for 22 years and that’s how it is, you have to be clear and firm”; “Literally, I’ve been doing this for 1 year and that’s what’s happened to me. Every day is a challenge,” commented others.

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