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Cuba’s parallel dollar stabilizes at levels close to 300 pesos

Cuba's parallel dollar stabilizes at levels close to 300 pesos

MIAMI.- Cuba’s parallel structure began trading very close to 300 pesosmoving away from projections that indicated that the value would soon return to the 400 levels. Meanwhile, the American currency maintained its stability in Europe and the United Kingdom. In the Japanese market it lost ground in the face of a revaluation of the yenThat is, a smaller amount of the local currency was needed to buy a dollar.

In it European marketthe currency remains in 1,09 euros for the fourth consecutive day. The European currency is one of the strongest in the foreign exchange market, where it remains a safe haven for investors.

In United Kingdomthe dollar remains in 1,29 pounds sterling. The English exchange market continues in “his kingdom”, occupying a preferential place in the forex market, after leaving the euro zone in January 2020.

In Japan, The American currency showed a decrease of 1.7% from 158.51 yen to 155.75 yen, according to the average established by the Japanese issuing body. This currency, along with the dollar, the euro and the pound sterling, is one of the strongest in the foreign exchange market, despite the fact that this year it has lost value against the American currency. Japan is always willing to intervene to defend its currency.

Quote in Argentina

In Mexicothe currency was located at 17,74 Mexican pesos according to the Aztec Central Bank which sets the guidelines for the exchange market that moves during the day in the buying and selling of banks and serves as the exchange reference for the following day.

The official (retail) exchange rate in Argentinaestablished by the Central Bank, grew 0,10% This day, as we move forward to 961.92 Argentine pesos. The official exchange rate reduced the gap of more than 100% that it maintained with the parallel market, after the drastic increase implemented by President Javier Milei in order to stabilize the economy. The parallel structure of the so-called Blue dollar, which sets the tone in the real economy, has continued its upward trend with a difference of 51% with respect to the official reference exchange rate to value in 1,455 Argentine pesos.

In Havanathe dollar remains anchored to the 24 Cuban pesos since March 2005 at the official rate, set by the Central Bank of Cuba. Meanwhile, on the so-called parallel or black market it fell 1.6% to 305 pesos. Analysts predicted that it would soon return to the 400 pesos mark. But market sentiment was based on the belief that the price was excessively high and opted to sell before a possible fall.

Dollar in Venezuela

In Venezuela, the dollar is at 36.54 bolivars at the official exchange rate, established by the Central Bank of Venezuela. While in the parallel structure it rose to 41.11 bolivars, a gap of 12% with respect to the BCV reference.

In Colombiathe American currency registered a subtle growth today, going from 3,977.63 to 4,011.19 Colombian pesosat the rate set by the Bank of the Republic. In the coffee nation, the annual inflation to June was 7,18%,, according to figures from the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE).

Source: With information from the Central Bank of the different countries and the parallel structures

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