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Culture instead of light: Out and about in the center of Potsdam

Potsdam does not shine – and deliberately so. After the winter spectacle “Unterwegs im Licht” could take place again in 2022 after a Corona break, the open-air event is pausing again this year: “In view of the current lack of energy and the tense economic situation, ‘Unterwegs im Licht’ will not take place as usual, with an illuminated center of Potsdam,” the city said in a statement.

Instead of “Unterwegs im Licht” it’s now “Unterwegs in the Potsdamer Mitte” on Saturday, January 21st. Instead of illuminated buildings in the city, the program in the houses between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. should be all the more colourful. This year, the Bildungsforum Potsdam with the city and state library (SLB), the adult education center and the science floor on Platz der Unity will be there.

The film museum, the garrison church and the natural history museum are also taking part in Breite Straße. The House of Brandenburg-Prussian History (HBPG) opens on the Neuer Markt and the Museum Barberini, the PMSG Potsdam Marketing und Service GmbH, the Potsdam Museum and the Nikolaikirche on the Alter Markt.

Some of the facilities offer programmes, workshops and guided tours for the day of action into the evening. The municipal museums can all be visited on this day with free admission. A tried and tested item on the program of the light spectacle remains: the lantern parade, which starts at 5 p.m. at the Neuer Markt and goes with a few loops to the Alter Markt. Lanterns for the parade can be made beforehand at workshops in the Garrison Church, in the House of Brandenburg-Prussian History, in the Natural History Museum and in the Potsdam Museum.

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