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Current in Kompani Lauritzen: – A halal program

Next year, Turab Awan (25) will first appear in a drama series from the Russian environment. He will then be seen as a recruit in Kompani Lauritzen in the spring.

Last year, the artist made the Christmas song “Der du er”, which contains many important messages.

He has been fond of music and making music since he was a child. As an eight-year-old, he received a record from his mother, a Snoop Dogg record. What the mother may not have understood was that there was a warning against strong words and strong text.

– I remember I used to watch it a lot on MTV. I sang a lot after, and I found a lot of joy in it. I took her to the record store and she said it was fine. I sang at the top of my lungs, he says and goes on to tell about his mother, who has always supported him:

– She is very cool. I should also mention that I got “Guitar Hero”, which I struggled to get then. And I thought: “Shit, I have to take this seriously, because it’s a big deal to get something like that from foreign parents”.

Important Christmas traditions

Christmas and Christmas traditions have always been important to him growing up and he thanks his family for that, and perhaps especially his parents.

– The relationship with Christmas has always been such that mum and dad were very keen that we should be included. After all, we went to school with a lot of people who were Norwegian, or white-skinned, and there weren’t that many of us in a way.

– So celebrating Christmas, eating food and giving gifts was a very essential part of Christmas.

– We have started a “stream police”

Turab has just moved in with a bunch of other boys in a collective. One might imagine that it is messy and chaotic there. But it is apparently quite strict.

– I have sort of hand-picked that collective a bit, we are nice and kind boys who all do their own thing, he says and continues:

– Everyone is “up and coming” in their own field and I am very strict about housework and we have started a “flow police” in the house as well. Because electricity is so expensive. So we go around and check and make sure people clean up after themselves and miscellaneous.

COMPANY RECRUITMENT: In the spring, Turab Awan will be seen as a participant in Kompani Lauritzen. Photo: Matti Bernitz/ TV 2

– Did this start before or after you were involved in Setnesmoen and Kompani Lauritzen?

– Well, I washed the floor yesterday. Then I had some “flashbacks” and thought: “This was a bit nice to do”.

Was persuaded by the family

However, he admits that he actually immediately said no when he was asked to take part in the reality show.

– No, I don’t want to participate in that. I’ve never watched so much TV and reality, so I thought it wasn’t quite me to be on it.

KOMPANI LAURITZEN: Here is the group you can see in next year’s Kompani Lauritzen. Photo: Matti Bernitz/ TV 2

But then he called home and spoke to his family.

– I spoke to my sister, brother and mother. We have a family chat like that, so we talked about it and they were like: “My God, you have to be part of this. It’s rubbish”. They all look at it. Then they said: “It will be cool for dad to watch you on TV in a halal program,” he laughs.

He says that dad gave the thumbs up because it therefore falls under the category of “halal programme”.

– That means it’s not a Paradise hotel. That’s what it means. It would have been pretty big time haram.

Outsiders and inclusion

Last year he released a Christmas song, a ballad. A big leap from Snoop Dogg and that kind of music.

– I listen to a lot of different types of music, but the music I make is the one that is closest to me. It’s about what I want to convey.

– What is it then?

– It’s a lot about outsiders and inclusion and the important things, not just at Christmas – but in life in general. Taking care of each other, your relationships and relationships, before you lose them.

The budding military recruit also has a goal of breaking through as an artist in the world.

BUNAD: Turab Awan says he brought his Alexander Kielland bunad to Pakistan when he shot music videos for his upcoming album. Photo: Thuy My Do Thi/ Good morning Norway

– I can reveal as much as that I brought this fine Alexander Kielland bunada with me here to Pakistan, to the village where dad is from. We shot some music videos there for my upcoming album. It’s a great way to show both sides of what I do and my worlds.

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