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Cusco: ambulance is attacked with stones by protesters

Horror. An ambulance was attacked by an angry mob in Cusco, the events occurred on Avenida 28 de Julio, in the vicinity of the Pachacutec monument, Canchis province.

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It was reported that the EsSalud vehicle did not have any patients, as it had just been dropped off at their home. The unit belongs to the Adolfo Guevara Hospital.

The events occurred in the midst of protests against Congress and the government of Dina Boluarte. Despite the fact that the demonstrations, peacefully, turned into a confrontation between civilians and police officers.

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The Regional Health Management of Cusco confirmed that 22 wounded were evacuated to health centers and two citizens wounded with bullet wounds.

Cusco: ambulance is attacked with stones by protesters

Cusco: ambulance is attacked by protesters. Video: Channel N

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Thousands of protesters from different provinces arrive in the city of

Little by little, caravans of vehicles arrived in the Imperial City, including buses, trucks, vans and others, transporting leaders, farmers and residents in general, who will demonstrate in Cusco in the next few hours.


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