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Cusco: Espinar prepares an eco-sports festival to encourage adventure tourism


He Peru It is one of the few countries in the world where tourist attractions seem endless and every nook and cranny of these lands seems to have a special attraction that always attracts onlookers from all latitudes.

Under this premise, the Provincial Municipality of Espinar will organize for this Saturday, April 29, 2023, the ‘X Adventure Tourism Eco-Sports Festival’ with the purpose of promoting outdoor sports activities in this part of Peru.

(Provincial Municipality of Espinar)

This traditional festival, which will celebrate its tenth edition, will take place in the place known as The Three Canyons of Suykutamboright in the place where the Apurímac river is born.

With these types of activities, both the population of Espinar and its authorities seek to give a new impetus to its economy and tourism, which has been seriously affected in recent years due to the coronavirus pandemic. COVID-19 and for the social protests that shook the country at the end of last year and at the beginning of this

All those who dare to go to the city of Cusco should know that all the activities programmed by the authorities are free and these are: canoeing, rappelling, kayaking, zip line, BMX, mountain biking, horseback riding and cargo flame race.

So that no one misses any activity, authorities from the provincial municipality of Espinar and the districts of Coporaque and Suykutambo They will be present to guide tourists to provide all the necessary information and logistics.


In this sense, in what corresponds to the organizers, they announced that up to 12 boats will be available to the public for those adventurers who decide to slide through the waters of the apurimac river.

They will also enable the highest cliff in the area, which is 130 meters high, for the brave who want to jump in.

According to Ramiro Maquera Yucra, head of tourism for the municipality of Espinar, the High Mountain Police will be present at the event to take care of local and foreign tourists who decide to come to the place to spend a weekend full of adrenaline.

Usually, they are people who come from the same Cusco or Arequipa. Some from Lima and others from abroad.


And as all physical activity causes hunger, during the ‘X Adventure Tourism Eco-Sports Festival’ there will also be a gastronomic fair in which they will sell the best dishes in the area, among which the world famous ‘lamb sucker’, a classic in Espinar. In addition, there will be a craft fair and an exhibition of typical dances.

On the other hand, Maquera Yucra explained to the Andina news agency that Yauri, the capital of Espinar, has the enough capacity of hotels, lodgings, hostels and restaurants to receive the large number of tourists that are expected to arrive.


When one thinks of Cusco, generally what happens is that Macchu Picchu comes to our mind.

But what you don’t know is that the Imperial City has much more to offer all its visitors. One of those novelties is Espinar, which is also known as the ‘Other Wonder’ of the Navel of the World.

This is because this site has other cities dating from the time of the Incas such as K’anamarka, where large funerary contexts were found recently, Mauk’allaqta, Taqrachullo, Paripucara.

As a reminder, the official points out that in pre-pandemic times, the archaeological sites of Espinar were visited by at least a few 500 tourists a day. Now they expect to return to those levels very soon.

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