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Cybercrime costs companies $400 million

Cybercrime has cost Chihuahuan companies approximately 400 million dollars.

Rogelio Ramos Guevara, president of the National Chamber of Commerce (Canaco), explained that it is a crime that is increasing both in the entity and in Ciudad Juárez and that affects companies, with scams that use the network to carry out transactions illicit

Cybercrimes seek to violate the security systems of the different interfaces that are used daily in organizations, such as banking, email, databases, the cloud, which translates into economic losses, valuable assets and even the trust of customers and partners.

Given this, he added that the companies are already working on special additions, staff training and on all technologies to deal with the situation.

He gave an example of the case of a company in the city of Chihuahua, which suffered the theft of 2.5 million pesos.

“This company had two tokens and when they went to the page to make a transfer, it did not give them, then they received an alert that the page had already been restored, but it was a fake page, so they spoke to them on the phone and asked them the token and with that they made five transfers,” said Ramos Guevara.

He shared that according to data from the HSBC bank, worldwide cyber fraud caused damages of 187 billion dollars during 2022.

In Mexico, the losses for companies were for 8 billion dollars that year, a figure that increased by 21 percent compared to 2021.

Of those 8 billion, it is estimated that 5 percent corresponds to Chihuahuan companies.

He added that recognizing cyber fraud that puts companies’ assets and values ​​at risk is the first step in establishing a system capable of avoiding them.

In order to warn companies about this problem, he said that a training will take place in the next few days.

The course, called Prevention against cybercrime and fraud, will be held at the Canaco facilities and some 50 local companies are expected to attend.

“That’s why they come, to warn us in that sense because there is a bunch of tricks that affect us companies,” said the president of Canaco.

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