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Cyberpunk 2077: criticisms of the linearity of the story ‘are justified’, admits CDPR

Unfulfilled promises about the ramifications of the Cyberpunk 2077 story are at the center of the discussion started on Twitch by Pawel Sasko: The Quest Director of CD Projekt RED’s sci-fi RPG admits the difficulties faced by his team and, therefore, believes that players have every right to complain.

During his latest streaming, the exponent of the Polish software house recalled the problems in the development of Cyberpunk 2077 arguing that gamers expected more from us after The Witcher 3. Sure, there’s a really huge amount of non-linear elements in Cyberpunk 2077, but I still think players’ expectations were higher. These expectations specifically concerned the ramifications of historywhich in the final version of Cyberpunk 2077 are proposed in a different way, with smaller narrative crossroads that fans have found unsatisfactory”.

Sasko then took the opportunity presented to him by a question from a viewer to explain that “the criticisms of the linearity of Cyberpunk’s plot are completely justified. Players expected more and what we offered them with the ramifications of the story was not enough. But you see, sometimes we developers put a different interpretation on things like linearity or the ramifications in the plot, we have to look at them from a much larger point of view. But other than that, I think those criticisms are fair and we could have done more. But now we know what to do to improve, so you can expect more from us in the future”.

We will have the first ‘test case’ of Sasko’s claims this year with the launch of Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty, the largest expansion ever created by CD Projekt.

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