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Cyclone season in Cuba is predicted to be one of the most active

Cyclone season in Cuba is predicted to be one of the most active

HAVANA.- He Cuban Meteorological Institute announced a very active cyclone season in the coming months, with the formation of about 20 tropical storms, of which 11 may upgrade to hurricane status, according to probability studies.

The meteorological organization, one of the most important in the Caribbean along with the Florida Hurricane Centerindicated that 14 of these phenomena can develop in the Atlantic oceanic zone, four in the Caribbean Sea and another two in the Gulf of Mexico.

The cyclonic season, which takes place in the Caribbean between June 1 and November 30, causes human losses and millions of dollars in material damage each year. Scientists assure that one of the effects of climate change is the intensification of these phenomena.

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Meteorologist Ramón Pérez indicated that the average tropical cyclone system for a season is 14 storms, so the forecast that there would be 20 this year makes for a “very active” season.

The possibility of a specific impact on Cuba from at least one tropical cyclone is 90%, Pérez pointed out. However, these events can be harmful to small islands even if they do not pass directly through them, as strong winds are accompanied by torrential downpours that cause flooding.

“The oceanic and atmospheric conditions over the Atlantic and the Caribbean Sea will be very favorable to the development of cyclonic activity, taking into account the very high values ​​of the sea surface temperature (from June 2023 to April 2024 they have reached record figures every month for the period 1951-2024)”, indicated Pérez.

The World Meteorological Organization is responsible for naming tropical storms and cyclones each year in alphabetical order, alternating the names of men and women. When one of these phenomena is particularly devastating, its name is removed from the list and is never used.

These tropical events are born from depressions, which become storms and become cyclones or hurricanes, when their winds exceed 119 kilometers per hour and they have an eye or rotating center formed.

Source: With information from AP

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