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D: Union wants to paralyze rail traffic for two days

With a 50-hour warning strike, the German railway and transport union (EVG) wants to largely paralyze rail traffic from Sunday evening. From 10:00 p.m. to Tuesday night at 12:00 a.m., nothing should work in long-distance, regional and freight traffic on the rails, as the EVG announced today.

With the warning strike, the union wants to increase the pressure on employers in the ongoing wage conflict with Deutsche Bahn and 50 other railway companies.

Collective bargaining in the rail sector has been going on since the end of February. It is the third nationwide warning strike that the EVG has called for since then. In March, together with the service union ver.di, they paralyzed large parts of public transport, including most airports, for a day.

The second strike in April was limited to a period of eight hours, but also caused many failures, especially in long-distance traffic. However, feared additional traffic jams did not materialize on the motorways.

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