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Dangerous for pets: 6 foods that dogs or cats should never eat

  • Certain foods are taboo for dogs and cats
  • Some ingredients be able poisonous be for animals
  • Diarrhea, vomiting, epileptic seizures and the like can result

It’s easy for some of the food to land on the floor and your beloved pet to eat the crumbs. Some foods are safe for your four-legged friend – but others can pose a serious risk to the animals.

1. Chocolate is a no-go for dogs and cats

Chocolate is very dangerous, especially for dogs. This is because the candy contains theobromine. The darker the chocolate, the more theobromine is present. The substance is a stimulant that has a similar effect to caffeine and stimulates the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system. Dogs can experience symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, tachycardia, tremors, convulsions and even death. However, the effects sometimes only become noticeable a few hours later. Cats are less sensitive to theobromine, but even they should avoid eating chocolate. If you think your four-legged friend has eaten chocolate, take it to the vet as a precaution.

2. Avocados are dangerous for pets

Avocados are growing in popularity, but it’s best not to include them on your pet’s menu. avocado contains according to the veterinary portal vetline the substance persine, which cause gastrointestinal problems in dogs and cats can. Persin is mainly found in the skin and core, but it can also be found in the leaves, stems and fruits. The substance can increase in dogs and cats vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain to lead. Difficulty breathing and fluid buildup in the chest can also be the result in rare cases.

3. Onions and garlic are not recommended for animals

Veterinarians also advise against onions and garlic to feed to pets. Onions and garlic contain the substance thiosulfate, which is too common in dogs and cats anemia can lead. Thiosulfate is taken up by the red blood cells and can destroy them from the inside out. If the blood component is missing, the transport of oxygen in the body is disrupted. Fatigue, difficulty breathing, pale mucous membranes and even kidney damage can be the result. Therefore, dishes cooked for humans should not be fed to animals. Onions and garlic are often included, and you’re probably adding more salt to your dishes than a pet can handle.

4. Macadamia nuts are highly toxic to dogs

Macadamia nuts are highly toxic to dogs. Even a small amount of 0.7 grams per kilogram of body weight can be life-threatening, the pet insurer warns agile in his poison dictionary. animals which have eaten some of the nuts, appear weak and listless, vomit or tremble. Furthermore can fever and lameness appear. That Same goes for catswho also do not tolerate macadamia nuts well.

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5. Grapes and raisins are not good for pets

What many may not have heard: Also raisins and grapes are taboo for dogs and cats. So far it has not been possible to find out which substance is responsible for this. But it could be observed that some animals after eating signs of intoxication have shown. In severe cases, animals even suffered kidney failure.

6. Sweeteners Xylitol is harmful to dogs

the sweetener xylitol, Also known as birch sugar, it is highly toxic to dogs. As little as 0.1 gram per kilogram of body weight can deadly warns the action animal. The sweetener commonly found in chewing gum or homemade baked goods needs to be hidden from your pets as a matter of urgency. The substance causes a high release of insulin, which causes the sugar level in the blood to drop rapidly and it increases convulsions and comatose states can come.

Not sure if your pet ate something dangerous? When in doubt, going to the vet is the right choice – even on public holidays or at the weekend.

For further reading: Changes for dog owners from 2023: Owners and breeders need to know this

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