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Daughter of Viih Tube was born with jaundice. Learn more about the symptom

Former BBB Viih Tube revealed that her daughter Lua, the result of her relationship with also former BBB Eliezer, was born with jaundice. The girl arrived in the world last Sunday (9/4) at the Pró-Mater maternity hospital in São Paulo.

Jaundice is the term used to describe a yellowish or orange tinge to the skin and eyes caused by an increase in the blood of a yellow pigment called bilirubin.

In babies, the yellowish color appears first on the face, then on the chest and abdomen, on the legs, and finally on the palms and soles. When disappearing, it follows the opposite path, that is, it disappears first on the feet and legs and, lastly, on the face.

Generally, jaundice appears after the first 24 hours of life and may increase up to the 4th day. The condition usually disappears on the 10th day.

Why does it occur?

Bilirubin is normally produced in the body by the breakdown of red blood cells and is eliminated in the stool after being metabolized by the liver. If this process does not take place, there is an increase in bilirubin in the blood and a yellowish color appears on the skin.

In most newborns, jaundice occurs because, in the first few days of the baby’s life, the liver is not yet completely ready and is still limited in its ability to process bilirubin. This does not mean that there is any illness, just a transition between life in the womb and life after birth.

“Light bath”

In her stories, Viih also showed her daughter taking a “light bath” and vented: “She needed a light bath due to jaundice. My heart ached, because it is not easy, but we did it and were discharged later, ”she concluded.

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The “light bath” consists of treatment with phototherapy, when the child is placed under a device with several fluorescent or LED lamps. Light triggers a change in the structure of bilirubin, facilitating metabolism and elimination.

In general, this treatment is necessary for one or two days in newborns, and may be longer in premature infants or in those who have very high levels of bilirubin.

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