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David and Victoria Beckham: They can also dance salsa

Whoa, what’s David Beckham doing in the garage? His garage moves are everything, jokes his wife Victoria: And solves the riddle: The world star is dragged by his wife to the salsa class. Including scorn and mockery from his Vicky. Stuck at the top? It doesn’t matter, David, as long as the hips swing. Admittedly, Victoria outshines him optically in monster heels and skin-tight trousers. The figure of the 48-year-old: as in the early 20s. Husband David does not do badly when dancing. Almost like it used to be on the pitch, the good right foot is still at the start, shuffle step instead of outside instep, Vicky spins into the upper corner of the arm. The midfield legend delivers. And David promptly develops a new job idea: Marc Anthony, let’s go on tour – he posts on Instagram. The Beckhams’ dance routine: A funny video that leaves many watching in amazement.

Source: Instagram@victoriabeckham Instagram@davidbeckham

4/5/2023 – 2:54 p.m

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