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Day of exchange and training with workers of Family Action Centers

The Ministry of Social Development, through the Secretariat for the Rights of Children, Adolescents and Family, carried out, in the ATE auditorium of the city of Santa Fe, a training day for workers of Action Centers Family (CAF).

The meeting, called “Autonomy, observation and development in early childhood: the subjects of action”, was presented through the mixed modality, face-to-face and virtual.

Referring to the day, the minister of the portfolio, Danilo Capitani, maintained that “these meetings are significant for State workers, with respect to the transmission of their own experiences developed in their field of work, while at the same time They provide strategic tools for working with children”.

For her part, the Secretary for the Rights of Children, Adolescents and Family, Patricia Chialvo, affirmed that “the permanent training of our workers is a commitment that we will continue to develop because it has a direct impact when it comes to guaranteeing children’s rights. , girls and adolescents”.

Workers from 13 centers participated in person, while 9 institutions from different towns in the center-north of the province participated via streaming, with a platform specially prepared for the occasion.

The activity had the participation of the National Secretary for Children, Adolescents and Family, Gabriel Lerner, who presented a detailed summary of the proposals for programs and works that the national secretariat promotes in the territory of Santa Fe.

Then, the national official and provincial authorities toured different institutions in the city, and presented the Grooming Law to the Ministry of Social Development.

The activity was organized by the CAF Coordination, and featured a presentation by Cecilia Gutiérrez and Marcela de Pedro, institutional leaders of CAF No. 19, from the El Pozo neighborhood in the city of Santa Fe.

The meeting was also attended by the director of Promotion of the Rights of Children, Adolescents and Family – Santa Fe, Inés Colmegna and other provincial authorities.


It should be noted that similar conferences will be held throughout the year entitled: Community Care and Education and Planning Project; The game. Body and movement. Disability in Early Childhood; Recreating Family-Community Links; Re-knowing our families; Rethinking family life.

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