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Dead by Daylight developers are backing off after complaints about the effect of first aid kits

Recently, Behavior Interactive decided to change the time it takes for the player to heal themselves in Dead by Daylight. These changes have been tested in the test server (as the developers usually do before launching new changes). However, the reception has been anything but positive. Self healing went from taking 16 seconds to taking 24 seconds which anyone who has played the game knows can be devastating. In addition to this, the decision was made to limit the number of times a first aid kit can be used, but it has been received all the better.

Now Behavior Interactive is backing down and will once again make it faster for survivors to heal themselves. Going forward, in other words, you will only be able to heal yourself up to twice, but depending on what kind of first aid kit you use, they will be able to heal you at different speeds. However, the speed will differ if you are healing yourself or another survivor, which was done in order for survivors to help each other to a greater extent, and not themselves.

– Camping aid kit by 35%
– First aid kit by 40%
– Emergency kit by 45%
– Ranger kit by 50%

Now is the time to start prioritizing whether to repair generators or help your comrades instead.


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