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Dead in drone attack on US base in Syria

A US citizen was killed and six others injured in a drone attack on a military base in Syria. The Pentagon announced in the evening that the fatality was an employee of a subcontractor working for the US Army. According to the US intelligence services, the drone was “of Iranian origin”.

According to the information, the attack took place on the Hassake base in northeastern Syria. The injured are five US soldiers and another US subcontractor. In response to the drone, the US Army reportedly flew several “precision strikes” in eastern Syria. The target was groups “that are connected to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards”.

International coalition continues to fight against IS

Hundreds of US soldiers are stationed in Syria as part of a Washington-led coalition fighting remaining fighters from the Islamic State (IS) jihadist militia in the civil war-torn country.

In 2014, in the midst of the civil war in Syria, IS took control of large parts of Syria and Iraq, but gradually lost these areas again. After a US-led coalition drove IS from its last bastions in Syria in March 2019, most remaining IS fighters retreated to the Syrian desert.

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