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Dead Space Remake is the first game before a demo at tempo on Steam

Nel corso delle ultime ore è accaduto qualcosa di inaspettato sulle pagine di Steam. The client targato Valve has infatti accolto sulle sue page la prima tempo test version: yes it’s about the cousin’s remake dead space.

Although this type of demo was ordinarily widely distributed on its console and its client EA Origin, its Steam was not a fine ad oggi arrival. In a completely free way, all of you can visit the product page on the piattaforma and proceed to download the entire survival horror of EA Motive, the same Potrà essere giocato for a maximum of 90 minutes. At the end of the test, i giocatori potranno decidere will proceed or less all’acquisto, obviously keeping tutti i progressi registrati during the demo.

Per invogliare gli utenti all’acquisto, il gioco è also in sconto and fino al next May 29, 2023 will be able to be acquired with il 20% discount: this means that now the base version has a different cost €47.99 and that Deluxe di €55.99.

Follow the link to open the game page and download the trial version:

In attesa di scoprire if the demo will arrive on the console of the latest generation, I am pleased that our page has found the review of Dead Space Remake.

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