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Deadpool 3: Here’s what Wolverine’s “killer” says about Hugh Jackman’s return

Hugh Jackman returns against all odds as a metal-clawed Wolverine! The actor will be alongside his colleague Ryan Reynolds one of the announced lead roles in dead pool 3 take over. And adversity is because of the character of Wolverine actually a final end in the superhero cracker logan prepared and Jackman himself insisted for a long time not return in that role. Logan director recently got in touch James Mangold to speak and commented on the unexpected return of Wolverine.

Logan director on Wolverine’s return

The story of Wolverine has actually already been told to the end from a cinematic point of view. James Mangold, the director of Logan, has already taken care of that. So is Mangold upset that Jackman is returning in his most famous role after giving it such an epic ending and retiring? Definitely not!

In an interview with ET Online, the current am upcoming Indiana Jones movie working director that he is happy for Jackman that he was able to resume his old role. At the same time, he explained that you can’t put a stop on characters.

“I’m happy for him that he gets the chance to play with it again”he said. “Either way, I knew Logan wouldn’t be the last time we saw a Wolverine movie.

We had our moment letting the film sink in and I’m really touched by how much this film lives on in people’s memories. You can’t put a stop on characters.”

Mangold doesn’t really have to worry about his legacy either. The events of Deadpool 3 are assumed to take place before Logan, so Wolverine anytime can return to its rightful place in the timeline. Thank the multiverse! Deadpool 3 is expected to be released on November 6, 2024 come to the cinemas.

Source: comic book movie

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