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Deal with two clauses: BVB hands over Braaf

Jayden Braaf’s departure from Borussia Dortmund is almost done. As Fabrizio Romano reports, the 20-year-old attacker has already completed the medical check at Hellas Verona. The table-14. in Serie A, Braaf is on loan until the end of the season.

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The other details that Romano comes up with are interesting: BVB grants the Italians a purchase option and also waives a buyback option themselves. The hopes of a Braaf breakthrough have apparently already been buried on Strobelallee.

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The young Dutchman only came to Dortmund from Manchester City in the summer, but since then he has only made seven third-division appearances, has not been able to meet expectations and has had to take a lot of criticism from his superiors.

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Should Braaf still take off and Hellas Verona cash in one day with the right foot, BVB will at least have a consolation: the Bundesliga club is said to have secured a resale clause for a future transfer.

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