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Dean Phillips, the Democratic congressman who believes that Joe Biden should not run for re-election in 2024

Dean Phillips, the Democratic congressman who believes that Joe Biden should not run for re-election in 2024

Although he is not the only one who has expressed concern about Joe Biden’s candidacy, Democratic Congressman Dean Phillips, elected from the state of Minnesota, is one of the few who has said outright that Biden should not run for re-election in 2024.

“I have respect for Joe Biden… Despite some of his mistakes and blunders, and despite his age, I think he is a decent, principled, compassionate, empathetic and strong man,” Phillips said in a radio interview given to the program “The Chard Hartman Show” at the end of July. And he added: “But to answer directly, no, I don’t think (that Biden should run for president again).“.

The Democratic congressman assured that the country would benefit from a new generation of “competent, well-prepared and dynamic” Democrats.

Likewise, the congressman gave his opinion this Sunday, August 13, that the recent investigation into Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, has “tarnished” the image of the national president.

“I don’t think the president is corrupt, and I think the investigation will show it,” Phillips said in an exclusive interview on NBC News’ “Meet the Press,” but he did think his image could be compromised.

Phillips stressed in turn, in the interview for “Meet the Press”, that President Biden should “pass the torch”.

Who is Dean Phillips?

Father of two children, businessman and elected representative to the House for Minnesota’s Third Congressional District, Dean Phillips has made a name for himself in US politics for having drafted a law, in conjunction with Republican Congressman Chip Roy , which helped thousands of small businesses stay open during the COVID-19 pandemic: the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act.

Along with Congresswoman Hillary Scholten, who is 41 years old, Phillips is one of the few Democrats who has suggested the need for “competition” in the Democratic Party primary.

Keep reading:
– Democrats criticize presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for his conspiracy theories about COVID-19
– Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: The Democrat praised by Donald Trump who could make it difficult for Joe Biden to win the primaries
– The popularity of President Joe Biden reached its highest point since August 2022, according to a Gallup poll

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