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Dear collectors, watch out for the news! Here are the beautiful coins that the State Mint is about to release

Dear collectors, keep an eye out for the news –

Article text: 2023 has all the prerequisites to be a truly incredible year for numismatics. So get ready to find out what the next Italian coins will be to include in your collection.

One of the most important priorities for a numismatist, or a collectoris to always be informed about the release of new coins. This is true for several reasons.

First, you have a better chance of buying the coins you want before your own price increases. Brand new coins, in fact, especially those released in limited editionsthey can become very expensive on the secondary market.

One of the most important priorities for a numismatist, or a collector, is to always be informed about the release of new coins.

When their demand exceeds supply, the value of these specimens could skyrocket, costing even 2, 5 or 10 times the purchase price. Secondly, a numismatist who is always aware of the latest issues may have an even better chance of completing his own collections.

Dear collectors, watch out for the news! 2023 will be a really important year, on par with 2022

As for our country, 2022 has been a really rich year and substantial. In fact, several commemorative coins have been issued, such as the one dedicated to the Carabinieri, to the disappearance of Falcone and Borsellino; or to some artists such as Antonio Canova And Dante Alighieri.

Also this year there will be many surprises. In the absence of the numismatic program 2023 complete, however there are some advances, provided directly by the latest decrees published in Official Gazette. Let’s see them together.

Here are the commemorative coins that are sure to come out in 2023

Between 2 euro commemorative coinsFor example, the following stand out:

  • that dedicated to Alessandro Manzonito celebrate the 150th anniversary of his death;
  • the one dedicated toair Force which celebrates 100 years since its foundation.

Another interesting coin, which is worth keeping an eye on, is the one dedicated to Fountain of Diana and Actaeonlocated in the park of the Royal Palace of Caserta. Inserted in the series “Fountains of Italy”, it will have a nominal value of 10 euros and will be made of 900 proof gold.

In fact, brand new coins, especially those released in limited editions, can get very expensive on the secondary market.

From the series “Sustainable world”, however, we know that a 5 euro proof coin will be issued, dedicated to theAfrican elephant which is at risk of extinction. The coin will probably be made in bronzital and will be in color and fluorescent.

Furthermore, according to the previews, for the series “Reissue of the Lira”, this year the historic one will be proposed 5 lire Dolphinissued from 1951 to 1956 and from 1966 to 2021. The specimen will be minted in two versions in 999 gold, one with a nominal value of 20 euros and the other of 50 euros.

So, dear collectors, keep an eye out for the news because this year’s numismatic offer will be truly exceptional!

A commemorative coin dedicated to Raffaella Carrà

Finally, it seems that in 2023 another commemorative coin will also be issued, dedicated to the famous singer Raffaella Carràdeceased in July 2021. This specimen will be included in the series “Great Italian Artists”, formerly composed by Eduardo De Filippo, Ennio Morricone and Alberto Sordi.

The singer was selected after a survey submitted to collectors registered on official site of the Italian Mint, who had to choose between:

  • Anna Magnani;
  • Raffaella Carrà;
  • Anna Marchesini;
  • Monica Vitti.

Following the vote, the Poligrafico then included the issue proposal among those submitted for 2023 to the Technical-Artistic Commission. We just have to wait for further developments in this regard.

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