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Death of a 12-year-old girl: they rule out abortion and confirm a tumor

Death of a 12-year-old girl: they rule out abortion and confirm a tumor

María Angélica Insaurralde, prosecutor of the case, reported on the results of the autopsy carried out yesterday by the forensic team of the Public Ministry.

In this regard, he explained that the uterus was intact and healthy, with the size according to the age of the patient, therefore, Abortion is ruled out as a cause of death.

Related note: Girl died after stomach pains, they investigate if there was an abortion

“What we found was a cancerous diaphragmatic herniawe think it’s a congenital malformation that worsened over the years and is formed as a hole at the level of the diaphragm and the contents of the abdomen pass upwardsSo, this hole is a constriction ring that made her stomach suffer to the point that she had a perforation, so she made ana generalized sepsis because he had a perforation of the stomach and that caused the lung to collapse”, explained to the media the pathologist María Elisa Cabañas.

The doctor on duty had indicated that the minor came walking with the grandmother, complaining of stomach pains. After 20 minutes she began to convulse and she went into cardiac arrest following sepsis.

The entry Death of a 12-year-old girl: they rule out abortion and confirm a tumor was first published in Diario HOY.

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