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Death of a teenager broke after France-Morocco: a suspect was arrested

On December 14, a car mowed down several people in the streets of Montpellier, killing the 14-year-old teenager.

The end of a run of just over two weeks? As BFMTV learned from a police source confirming initial information from France 3 Occitaniaa man was arrested on Tuesday in Perpignan as part of the investigation into Aymen’s death and was taken into custody.

On December 14, after the match between Morocco and France in the semi-finals of the World Cup, a car mowed down several people in Montpellier. One of them, a 14-year-old boy, was killed and the driver of the car fled.

On December 16, a first individual was arrested and placed in police custody and then released without any charges being brought against him. The prosecution had opened an investigation into the head of intentional violence resulting in death without intention to give it. Several people were heard and a second suspect, arrested today, had been identified.

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