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Death of Michel Cordes: “There is something almost impossible” for Serge Dupire, alias Vincent Chaumette in More beautiful life

Since the announcement of the sudden death of Michael Cordesthe interpreter of the indescribable Roland Marci and tutelary figure of the soap opera More beautiful life, emotion rises and tributes rain down. Moving messages from Pierre Martot, Fabienne Karat, Lola Marois and all the rest of the distribution on social networks follow one another and draw the portrait of a popular and warm, true and sincere man. Spontaneously stated adjectives that Serge Dupirethe interpreter of Vincent Chaumette and another history of the former cult soap opera of France 3, naturally takes over…

Death of Michel Cordes: “His disappearance is a shock” for Serge Dupire

“The disappearance of Michel is a shock” confesses the Quebec actor, before continuing: “Beyond the shock, there is something almost impossible. It’s like when it happens within a family. Michel and I had ties for life. More beautiful life, it’s really a big family. He was there from the start, like me. We went through storms, successes, we lived it all together. This series was a real emotional lift. He was a real and very endearing person. Sometimes, when he grumbled, for one reason or another, he was even more endearing! He was also an artist. After the end of Plus belle la vie, he said that maybe he wanted to write a play or more likely to return to sculpture. He needed to create. He did that all his life.”

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Death of Michel Cordes: For Serge Dupire, the first memory of Michel is “the genesis of Plus belle la vie

“I saw him for the last time last September, during the big party for the end of Plus belle la vie. We were more than 1000 people, everyone was extremely sad but the party was magnificent” continues the actor, before telling his first memory of Michel Cordes. “We arrived in Marseille on July 4, 2004, the evening of the European Cup final won by Greece. The next morning, we all met at the Belle de Mai Media Center, where we were going to shoot the soap opera. It was empty. There was nothing. This team created everything. It was the genesis of Plus belle la vie. My first memory of Michel, so that’s that, this genesis. With Cécilia Hornus , Pierre Martot, Sylvie Flepp, Rebecca Hampton, Thierry Ragueneau… We all came from somewhere else and we were parachuted there. It created bonds, of course.” This link, also woven with viewers, is not ready to be broken…

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