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Debacle against Schalke: No job guarantee for Hertha coach Sandro Schwarz

Friday became a debacle for Hertha BSC. Schwarz’s team suffered a 5-2 defeat against Schalke. Now the coach is counted.

After Hertha BSC’s crushing defeat at Schalke 04, Benjamin Weber avoided a job guarantee for coach Sandro Schwarz. “We’ll go home now, of course analyze it, talk to everyone. But of course we’ll turn every stone now,” said the sports director after the 2: 5 (1: 2) and the fall to the bottom of the table at DAZN : “We are brutally disappointed and will get a real kick in the face over the next few days.”

“Now is the wrong moment to start a personnel discussion,” Weber explained. Schwarz himself took the statements with composure. “I’m part of the group and I’m mainly responsible for it. I’m responsible, we’re 18th in the table. It’s completely legitimate for Benjamin Weber to say that.”

“We need peace in the club”

He wanted to “let it sink in and sleep on it for a night,” said Schwarz: “Then it’s time to analyze what we didn’t do well.” Even without distance to the game, it was clear to the coach: “The defensive behavior broke our necks. There were far too many mistakes that were punished immediately.”

Meanwhile, Weber repeatedly emphasized that there was a “clear” approach without defining it in more detail. “We’ve had so many changes, we need rest at the club,” he said. This is much easier with sporting success.

For Hertha defender Marvin Plattenhardt it was “not a performance in many areas,” he grumbled: “We weren’t there in the duels, we had defensive mistakes and problems.” The fact that his team conceded five goals from Schalke was “incredible”.

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