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Delivery workers must receive new minimum wages now

Repartidores. Salario.

A New York state appeals court has ruled that the new law regulating minimum wages for food delivery workers can go into effect.

Enforcement of the law was on hold due to an appeal by app companies that resisted paying the new minimum wage of at least $17.96 an hour.

When the judicial resolution became known, both the mayor himself and the Department of Consumer and Workers Protection spoke out on the matter.

“Our delivery drivers have consistently delivered for us; Now, we are complying with them,” said Mayor Adams.

“Today’s court decision is another promise made and kept by our administration on behalf of working New Yorkers, and is a powerful tool to hold apps accountable. “This minimum pay rate will ensure our delivery drivers and their families can earn a living and keep our city’s legendary restaurant industry strong,” Adams added.

“Today’s appeals court decision represents a victory for all working New Yorkers,” said Vilda Vera Mayuga, Commissioner of the New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protection.

“The minimum pay rate of at least $17.96 per hour will help lift thousands of New Yorkers and their families out of poverty, while allowing flexibility for both applications and workers. Apps should immediately pay delivery drivers the minimum wage, as the New York State Supreme Court ruled on September 28, 2023. We thank the court for making the right decision and we thank the hundreds of delivery drivers who fought for their right to earn a decent wage,” added the commissioner.


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